
BarCampMilwaukee is Coming Too Soon

There are too many people who should still be invited to BarCampMilwaukee and too many things to do in preparation for the event.

Just today I invited eight more people I have never met and had never heard of before today. So far three of them responded, indicating an interest in the event. There are over 100 people on my list of BarCampMilwaukee invitees. All the inviting will have been worth it if five of those people participate in the event this year and another five become at least online acquaintances. For BarCampMilwaukee 2.0, at least another 100 people will find their way onto my invitee list. That list will likely start building the day after BarCampMilwaukee ends.

Attention for the next few days needs to focus on preparing for the Fab Lab & Media Lab session and the Portable Computing with 1 GB Flash Drive session, and on a few last minute sponsor invitations for BarCampMilwaukee. The event could use a few more sponsors to ensure adequate food and drink for attendees, and to cover the costs of complimentary BarCampMilwaukee t-shirts for all participants. The event will happen and will be fun regardless of what happens with shirts and food, but we just want to make BarCampMilwaukee as fun as possible for all the participants.

First thing for early tomorrow morning is to make a list of top priority BarCampMilwaukee tasks to finish in the next five days. So many things...so little time...but so much fun!



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